Burghley Horse Trial 2013

YoYo champion 2013

YoYo champion 2013

a cat I love

This cat is called “Snoop” by her owner but I unofficially call her “Thummy” 
This odd eyed cat has thumbs. That’s is a reason why I started calling her.
She is the most familiar cat I have ever seen. She is weird. 
She is always outside while her family on working, even if it was rain or snow in winter.
She tried to get in our flat many times but here is not allowed for any pets.
Sorry Thummy.

I have heard the saddest news in this year.
She is leaving end of this month.
It’s been for a year.
she is my only friend in this english country side.
I work in home so, in my break time she was always there.
She doesn’t care my smoking smell.
She is so weird but I love her.

Thanks Thummy!


Vintage photos of Child Labour



Amazing Iguazu Falls

Random Fashion vol.1

please enjoy it without any bias towards brands or designer name.

If you want to know where  those image from, click it ( you might find name of it ) or drag it in to your favourite google image search (http://www.google.co.uk/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi).


50 of the Most Beautiful Women Ever – Morph

SAINT LAURENT PARIS: Hedi Slimane’s 1st come back show



creativity vol.7